Thursday, January 31, 2008


On Tuesday I had my first frightening experience with the Indiana weather - and was truly scared:
When I left the house in the morning it was quite warm, +8°C, so I just took my light gloves with me and no hat and so on... Then - while I was at school the whole day - nothing changed. And I - as in the mood for making up for the many times when I'd been lazy - spent 2 more hours in the library after I was done with classes - and: when I left the builing to ride my bike home again: SHOCK! Snowstorm, everything covered with ice, and freezing! -9°C as I saw later. It took me 45min instead of 15 to get back home, mostly walking because the bike was os frozen, that the wheels could hardly move any more. But then, to my surprise, the real pain came! As my poor fingers were warming up again it hurt so much, that I spent half an hour jumping around in the living room and cursing (in German of course - I wonder what my roommates were thinking)... and the next day I could hardly type nor play piano because it was still hurting!!!
I've looked up frostbite on wikipedia: frostbite (Erfrierungen)
and since then I was always checking if my fingers would turn darker... hm at least one did....but just a bit.
But, as today it's already much better, I'm not concened any more.... so... just a little scary story - as counterpart to all these pictures and too few words I've usually posted here recently...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Magdarine :)

Bildliche Einfrücke von den Treffen mit Magda

2 1/2 Mal war es mir vergönnt, Magda während meines Urlaubs hier in Österreich zu treffen. Hier ein paar dieser Momente in Bildern, die ich spontan währenddessen schnapp-geschossen habe:
Diese leckeren Nougatknödel habe ich in ihrer Anwesenheit gegessen. Die weiteren Bilder lassen sich leider nicht sofort hochladen, weil ich erst herausfinden muss, wie ich sie drehen kann. Da ich abe rnoch immer beim Packen bin und in 2 1/2 Std. wieder aufstehen sollte um zum Flughafen zu fahren, folgt dies später :)