Liederabend im Hunyadi - Schloss

Yesterday I had my 1st (Solo-) Liederabend in Austria - in the well known village Maria Enzersdorf, next to Brunn, where my parents live. It was part of the "Maria Enzersdorfer Kulturtage", a non-stop concert program on Saturday and Sunday. Every full hour a new concert and that from 10am till 8pm (or so).
Our recital started at 5pm, at the same time as the clown-performance for children in the next room. So we had some interesting background-noises during our Schubert-songs and the Frauenliebe-cycle...
One thing I was very proud about were that this time really many people (my family, friends, friends of my parents, my parents' neighbours, my grandfather, Natasha, my elementary school teacher with her daughter, my former voice teacher with her husband,...) came! Also my uncle came all the way from Vienna - but ended up watching the clown performance instead of the concert! I guess this was more entertaining for his little sons (my cousins) who are 4 and 6.
So here are more pictures :-)

Theresia and me in our wonderful outfits. - of course perfecty matched with the colors of the wall decoration. (as many people noticed - even though it was totally by chance)

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